I feeeeel good. I knew that I would now. So good! so good! so good…. sung by James Brown
Yes, I do feel good! Why? Because my guided journal for moms is published, tweaked and published again. I am so looking forward to getting the journal into the hands of moms. This latest journal, Mom’s Memories and Reflection on Motherhood will spark memories for moms. And do moms ever have a lot to tell!

At this time in my life, my passion is to encourage folks to write their life stories for their families and discover new perceptions of events in their lives.
One of my Writing Your Life Story workshop participants told me—"When I leave class, I’m not the same person I was when I walked in.” I can still see the broad smile on her face and her eyes glistening with moisture. I was overcome with amazement by her statement. Yes, indeed. Her kind words made me feel good!
This week I received this email from an author who learned about my passion to write/record their life stories.
“J. Q. Rose, I like this. Your work will help others to leave their mark on the world in a tangible way.”
Such an encouraging statement for me. I appreciated her taking the time to let me know.
How about you? What is your passion in life? Your children? Your career? Your hobby? Helping others? Does it make you feel good too? If you haven’t found what you love, take time and go for it! Put passion in your life and put a lift in your step. You will have no room in your life to be gloomy and negative.
Please leave a comment below to share your passion, or if you are seeking to discover something you love and make it a mission in your life.
Let me help you to share your memories. Mom’s Memories is one of the books in the Books for Life Storytellers Series which suggests ways to spark memories. The most often-used excuse for people not to record their stories is “I can’t remember anything from way back when.” So get to thinking and writing or recording your memories with the help of these books—truly a precious keepsake for your family and future generations. I don’t think anyone realizes how being the author of your life will give you a deeper understanding of events in your life as you view them through the lens of time.
Congratulations! JQ! I am happy to see you happy. I pray this is the beginning of more than you could imagine.
All the best.
Shalom shalom